Certification & Testing Services

Getting More Orders by International Certificated Standard!

Taiwan Network Developers Center (TNDC), jointly established by Shinewave International Inc. and Novell since 1997, has provided hardware certification service for enterprises in Asia-Pacific region. We offer Novell YES, SuSE Linux and SCO Certified. The range of products and systems in need of certification covers server and workstation. Our certification environment is best equipped and therefore is highly recognized and as the standard for guaranteed quality by enterprises in need of this specific service.

In order to respond to the need for complete software testing and hardware certification service, we currently gather our strength in software testing and officially integrate it into our Certification and Testing BU. As always, if your software and hardware products can endure the severe test in our laboratory in different simulative testing environments, the quality of the tested products can also endure the severe test of the market.

For software testing and hardware certification, we have set up the standard. If you need any service of this kind, you should come to us.